Reasonable Business (Beyond the Boardroom) Workshop - Vista
Reasonable Business (Beyond the Boardroom) Workshop

Reasonable Business (Beyond the Boardroom) Workshop

A half day workshop for circa up to 10 Company Directors aimed at meeting the IoD ‘Reasonable Business’ principle.

Workshop Outcomes :

At the end of the workshop participants will be able to :

  • Understand the broader impact of a director’s decisions on society and the environment
  • Explain the responsibilities of ensuring environmentally safe, ethical and equitable practices within the organisation
  • Adopt strategies for balancing sustainable growth and financial performance
  • Appoint actions to integrate societal impact and sustainability into corporate strategy
Duration (4 hrs)TopicContent

30 mins
Welcome and IntroductionWelcome and introductions.

Welcome participants
Session outcomes and Conditions for Success
Setting context : Expanding the scope of directorial responsibilities
Icebreaker : The Ripple Effect : Sharing of examples of how a single corporate decision can have broader societal or environmental impacts

60 mins
The broader directorial decisions
The triple bottom line – the 3 Ps
Impact mapping
Understanding the broader impact of directorial decisions

Trainer input on the expanding role of Directors
Discussion on the triple bottom line: People, Plant and Profit
Case study review : impact of corporate actions on society and the environment – how could the consequences been mitigated?
Exercise : Impact mapping – better management of

60 mins

60 mins
Ethical, equitable and environmentally safe practices
Equality v Equity
Equity in action
Ensuring safe practices

Group exercise : Ethical leadership – a equitable and inclusive culture
Trainer input / video / guest speaker : Environmental responsibility : Ensuring safe practices and sustainable products
Exercise : Sustainability Audit : Participants assess their organisation’s current practices and undertake a gap analysis
Role play activity : Ethical Dilemma : Making decisions that balance environmental impact, ethical concerns and business objectives

60 mins
Sustainable growth v Financial performance
Sustainable growth
Balancing Sustainable Growth with Financial Performance

Balancing Profit with Purpose
Measuring success : Moving beyond financial metrics to include environmental and societal impact
Small groups exercise : Designing business strategy with balance
Actionable plans to implement which integrate sustainable and ethical practices into the leadership role
Actionable initiatives to implement to promote sustainable growth and societal impact
12:45 Action PlanningAction PlanningAction Planning and Next Steps

Key takeaways and EBI (what next)
13:00 Close

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