Managing TUPE Transfers - Practical Training from Vista
Managing TUPE Transfers

Managing TUPE Transfers


This interactive one-day course will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need when managing TUPE transfers. It will cover recognising when TUPE applies; and how you can manage an efficient and effective transfer in a sensitive way. We will start the day by looking at the legal framework and in detail at which employees transfer and what transfers with them. We will consider the practical implications TUPE has on a business during and following a transfer and explore the communication and consultation necessary to ensure a smooth transition.


By the end of this Managing TUPE Transfers workshop delegates will be able to:

• Describe the legal framework provided by TUPE and set out the practical implications for employers and affected employees
• Identify the key milestones involved in a transfer of service to which TUPE applies
• Show an understanding of the requirements for informing and consulting
• Plan for the management of a project by identifying the key milestones, risks and stakeholders

Introductions and Welcome Trainer introduces key objectives
The Business Case for TUPEWhen does TUPE apply?
The Legal FrameworkWhat TUPE is looking to achieve and how does it do it?

The obligations of the transferor and transferee
The TransferWho and what transfers?

‘Affected’ and ‘transferring’ employees

When employees don’t want to transfer

When employees think something different applies to them

When changes are needed

Roles, number of people and locations

Completing and supplying due diligence and ‘employee liability information’
The Commercial ContextThe potential to negotiate

Indemnities and warranties

Future planning – planning for exit from a contract in an outsourcing situation
Walking in the Transferee's ShoesEngaging with the employees

Going through the change curve

What will the employees want to know?
Information and ConsultationWhat information needs to be supplied?

Timeframes for information and consultation

What are ‘measures’ and how to consult about them

The role of the employee representative in TUPE

Electing representatives and engaging with recognised trade unions

Planning a consultation process
Avoiding Getting it WrongAvoiding the ‘common mistakes’
Key Learnings and Action PlanIndividual reflection, shared in plenary.

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