A half day session to be able to identify and manage relevant risks to the business internally and externally and influence the business to enable robust business decisions.
By attending this session, delegates will be able to:
- Describe and evaluate the different types of risk arising from an ER case.
- Apply the employment law framework to identify where the legal risks arise, and where the risk is low.
- Evaluate the financial value of the risk that’s arising.
- Agree and plan the strategy with the manager to manage a case, based on all the risks that are present.
Topic | Content |
Introductions and Welcome | Trainer introduces key objectives |
What are Risks? | Group exercise to understand what we mean by risk and how it can impact the business |
Managing any ER Case: What Features of a Case Elevate Risk? | Brief trainer input to remind of the requirements of a fair dismissal (using a formula) |
What Makes a Dismissal Unfair? | Small group Exercise to identify actions that might create risk of an unfair dismissal and or a perception that the decision is unfair treatment. |
What Makes a Dismissal Automatically Unfair? | Plenary discussion of high-risk factors: Discrimination; Protected Disclosures. |
Who Needs to Prove What? | Exercise to create a ‘checklist’ to spot issues in cases as a summary. |
Making Effective Use of Probationary Periods | Evaluating the Risk Arising from an Employee ‘Jumping Before They’re Pushed’ Small group exercise to explore what actions can break ‘trust and confidence’ in the context of managing performance/conduct or attendance. |
Constructive Unfair Dismissal v Negative Reaction to Being Managed – Which is it? | What Constitutes a Precedent in an ER Situation? Trainer-led discussion Group exercise, Balls in a bucket |
So, There’s a Risk: What’s it Worth? | Trainer input, followed by exercises using scenarios to identify the value of a claim and make comparisons to relevant company data. |
Consideration of the Value of Risk or Decision and What this Means in Terms of Impact on the Business | Small group exercise using scenario - to identify the financial value of the risk and explore other avenues for managing the issue. |
Key learning points and next steps? | Individual reflection, shared in plenary. |
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