Fairness Workshop - Vista
Fairness Workshop

Fairness Workshop

A half day workshop for circa up to 10 Company Directors aimed at meeting the IoD ‘Fairness’ principle.

Workshop Outcomes :

At the end of the workshop participants will be able to :

  • Demonstrate the importance of fairness in leadership and its impact on culture
  • Make decisions that are justifiable, impartial, consistent and merit based
  • Treat people equitably without discrimination or bias
  • Embed fairness into decision-making process
Duration (4 hrs)TopicContent

30 mins
Welcome and IntroductionWelcome and introductions.

Welcome participants
Session outcomes and Conditions for Success
Setting context : The significance of fairness in leadership
Icebreaker : fair or unfair?

60 mins
Understanding fairness in decision makingUnderstanding fairness in decision making

Defining fairness : what it means to make fair decisions as a Director
Card sort exercises : Key principles of impartiality, consistency and merit. Key to justifiable decisions
Case study : the consequences of unfairness. What went wrong?
Fairness ‘audit’ : how are you – your organisation shaping up?

15 mins

60 mins
Treating People Equitably
Equality v Equity
Equity in action
Treating People Equitably

Exercise : Equality versus Equity?
Unconscious Bias : Exercise : Identifying and addressing bias (how bias impacts fairness)
Mitigating bias
Case scenarios : Equity in Action

60 mins
Fairness – Leadership practices
Building a culture of fairness
Fair processes and standards
Fairness framework
Fairness – Leadership Practices

Trainer input on building a culture of fairness
Group exercise : Leadership’s role in promoting fair practices
Trainer input on establishing fair processes and standards
Group exercise : Fairness Framework : Participants develop a framework for ensuring fairness in a specific area of their leadership (e.g. performance evaluation, resource allocation, etc)
Debrief and agreement on how to implement their frameworks
12:45 Action PlanningAction Planning and Next Steps

Key takeaways and EBI (what next)
13:00 Close

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