Investigating claims of sexual harassment can be particularly complex and sensitive, so appointing a skilled and experienced investigator in these cases can make a huge difference. Often the evidence is…

Five Steps to Better Grievance Procedures
The increase in employment tribunal claims could mark the beginning of a new era for employee relations. With this, comes an increased pressure on organisations and HR teams to better…
Employee Relations Employment Tribunal Representation Investigations

Mental Wellbeing During Workplace Investigations
Workplace investigations can be stressful for everyone involved and have a significant impact on mental wellbeing. Anxiety, fear and uncertainty can arise both during and after the investigation. Providing effective…

How this game-changing technique will change the way your managers run workplace investigations forever
Have you heard of our 3-part technique for planning workplace investigations? We designed it when we discovered that managers were consistently struggling with: How to structure their investigations so that…
Estate Agent Hits Headlines for Employee’s Racist Tweet: A Developing Problem for Employers
The dark side of football showed its ugly face once again after Sunday’s Euro Final, as within minutes of the final whistle a minority angry fans took to Twitter to…

Planning an Investigation: A Confidence Boosting Technique for your Managers
There are two reasons why planning an investigation before diving into questioning is important: The investigation forms the basis of a decision that is eventually made. And these can be…
How to Manage Football Fans During Euro 2020: Tips for HR teams
This week marks the first ‘working week’ where managers and HR teams will be managing employees during Euro 2020. Games are scheduled throughout the day and some fans may find…
Things to Consider when Suspending an Employee
So, you’re thinking about suspending an employee. Before you send them off on a paid holiday, it’s important to ensure suspension is the right way to go. It’s a big…
Questioning Techniques to Use During Workplace Investigations: Tips (and a sandwich) for your Managers
When we’re supporting our clients with a workplace investigation, we find that there are three things most managers struggle with: • They aren’t clear about what it is they are…
How to Write a Good Witness Statement
Continuing our series focussed on the employment tribunal process, we’re looking at how to write a good witness statement. At this stage of the employment tribunal process all the evidence…
Employee Relations Employment Law Employment Tribunal Representation Investigations