Mr Benyatov held a senior position in the UK with Credit Suisse. As part of his role, he was asked to assist with a project in Romania involving the purchase of a state-owned electricity company.
He was later arrested when on a work trip to Romania, convicted and sentenced to 4.5 years in prison for disclosing confidential state information in connection with the project. Credit Suisse conducted their own internal investigation and concluded that Mr Benyatov had done nothing wrong. However, the conviction, in practice, prevented him from working as a regulated financial professional.
He brought a claim of breach of contract against Credit Suisse claiming £66 million in loss of earnings. He alleged breach of what he argued was an implied term in the employment contract that Credit Suisse would indemnify him for any losses (including career-long loss of earnings) he suffered as a result of carrying-out work under their instruction during his employment.