TUPE - Is it Transferor or Transferee? That is the Question - Vista
TUPE – Is it Transferor or Transferee? That is the Question

TUPE – Is it Transferor or Transferee? That is the Question

A 1 day workshop equipping delegates with the legal framework surrounding TUPE as well as the practical elements to consider. In this workshop we look to enable a smooth running TUPE (as smooth as they ever can be).

By the end of the day, delegates will be able to:

  • Describe the legal framework provided by TUPE set out the practical implications for employers and affected employees
  • Identify the key milestones involved in a transfer of service to which TUPE applies
  • Show an understanding of the requirements for informing and consulting
  • Plan for the management of a project by identifying the key milestones, risks and stakeholders.
Introductions and Welcome Trainer introduces key objectives
Let Me Introduce You to TUPE!Group exercise to ‘terminology bust’ key phrases related to TUPE
The ‘Business Case’ for TUPE: What it’s Designed to DoTrainer presentation and diagram exercise to identify the three key elements of the legal framework.
The ‘Three Pillars’ of TUPE that Help to Make Sense of Why it Says What it Says
Okay, so When does TUPE Apply?Trainer input and short scenarios to identify when TUPE applies.
Who Transfers?Trainer input to identify the principles, plus scenarios to put them into practice.
What Transfers?Trainer input to identify the principles, plus scenarios to put them into practice.
A TUPE TimelineIssues and questions collection-exercise built as a brown paper exercise around the room.
Due Diligence – What’s Needed and When?Trainer input to identify ‘ELI’ information and requests from a transferee that’s over and above the minimum. Exercise to distinguish between them.
When Changes are Proposed to What’s Transferring - Risks and Management OptionsTrainer introduction to the legal framework, short scenarios to apply it.
Informing and Consulting: What’s Required and When; and With Whom?Trainer explanation of principles. Case study (or real case) to plan, based on either transferor/transferee (or both if it’s general development).
Summary and Personal Action PlanningIndividual reflection, shared in plenary.

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