Integrity Workshop - Vista
Integrity Workshop

Integrity Workshop

A half day workshop for circa up to 10 Company Directors aimed at meeting the IoD ‘Integrity’ principle.

Workshop Outcomes :

At the end of the workshop participants will be able to :

  • Demonstrate integrity as a core leadership value
  • Highlight their role of acting in good faith and making ethical decisions
  • Explain the importance of adhering to law and regulations in leadership
  • Develop strategies for upholding ethical standards in their business
Duration (4 hrs)TopicContent

30 mins
Welcome and IntroductionWelcome and introductions.

Welcome participants
Session outcomes and Conditions for Success
Quick icebreaker activity – ‘Integrity in Action’ – sharing stories / examples of integrity (personal or observed) in a leadership context.

60 mins
Laws and Regulations
Key Laws and Regulations
Key Laws and Regulations impacting Directors

Trainer overview of key laws and regulations.
Trainer overview of The Legal Responsibilities of Directors (true or false exercise)
‘Compliance Mapping’ – exercise where participants identify key regulations relevant to their organisation and mapping how they ensure compliance

15 mins

60 mins
Doing the Right Thing
Concept of Good Faith
Ethical Decision-making
Doing the Right Thing

Introduction to the concept of good faith in leadership and ethical decision making – beyond compliance
Exercise : Small groups using scenarios to determine the balance of business interests with ethical considerations

60 mins
Ethical Standards
Long-term value of Ethical Leadership
Building an Ethical Culture
Upholding High Ethical Standards

Small groups exercise : Long term value of Ethical Leadership and building an ethical culture.
Ethical action planning
12:45Action Planning Action Planning and Next Steps

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